Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Do you know what ADVENT is?
It is the four weeks before Christmas that we reflect and "wait in hope" for the coming of the Son of God...Jesus.
Please watch each of the videos and reflect on what they mean to you...
and think about how Mary and Joseph must have felt when they were waiting in hope for a savior... and then to realize that they would be raising that savior... from a baby... to a a man!

Please write one thought from each video...what "spoke" to you, or what did it make you think about.

(Video #1  Do You Have Room for Jesus in Your Life?)


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  1. Vid#1 I can really relate to that because sadly, wordly things tend to take priority over God. That should change, but sometimes we are just so busy.

    Vid#2 If i was Mary,i would have been so confused.It must have taken a lot of faith to believe and say yes to.

    Vid#3 I wonder if God had already predetermined that Jesus would be born in the manger, to symbolize him being born humbly.

    Vid#4 I also wonder if Joseph ever doubted that Jesus would be the savior or if he wondered "Why me?"
    Vid#5 This video really helped me to understand why we light our advent candles each night and how the advent candles relate to us.

    Vid#6 There is much to be thankful for and it is often hard to remember that Christmas is a time to prepare not just for festivities but also for Jesus.

    Google- I thought that was a really cool way to portray the nativity story with modern tech.

  2. video 1: A lot of the time events get in the way of god so i can really relate to this because several times this does happen

    video 2:if i was mary i would be very hesitant and unsure of what my choice would be

    video 4: Joseph probably wondered if jesus was truly the savior and wondered why he had been chosen

    video 5: it helped me understand why we celebrate advent and the meaning of it.

    video 6: we should be very thankful and sometimes we forget the true meaning of advent and christmas,

  3. 1.) Alot of times other things can porhibit you from going to churc, but i feel that we should try our best to go to church at least once a week.
    2.) If i was Mary i think that i wouldve been scared and confused but im sure i wouldve gone along with it.
    3.) I really do think that Jesus being born in was not random, it was planned.
    4.) Jesus probably wondered and questioned his faith in God before truly making a decision.
    5.) This video helped me understand why we celebrate advent and why it is very important.
    6.) I feel that Christmas to some people is about the presents. Well i think Christmas is a great way to celebrate Jesus's birth and to also spend time with your family.


  4. video 1. Most of the time i think that there is not enough time but for sure there is time for God and we all should seen that, and this is one thing that i can relate to.

    video 2. If I was Mary i would be very unsure of what i would have done.

    video 4.I would think Joseph wondered if Jesus was really the savior and why was it him that had to be chosen.
    I agree with A2 with the last two videos.
    video 5. It helped me understand why we celebrate advent and the meaning of it.

    video 6. we should be very thankful and sometimes we forget the true meaning of advent and Christmas

  5. 1. Nothing ever gets in the way of me and my family not going to church. I go every week.

    2. If I was in Mary's shoes I would of been very scared and not sure how to react to all that was about to happen. I would be very scared.

    3. I think Jesus' birth was planned to teach people about miracles actually happening.

    4. I think that Jesus questioned his Faith many times before he learned what his purpose to do was.

    5. The video taught me more about advent and the meaning of it all.

    6. I think Christmas is the most important holiday. It is a day to remember Jesus' birth, and to spend with your family and loved ones.

  6. 1. I know how the person in the video felt there is always something to do that we neglect church and find more important at the time but realize that our faith and church is important too

    2. Mary was brave against odds she sacrificed her life and did the what other felt were wrong especially for that time when it was not accepted at all. She had strong faith

    3. I have seen this video before and it was ok but i feel bad for them at that time

    4. Joseph had alot of faith in his belief because he listened to the angle and did what he felt was the best and asked of him.

    5. I liked this video I did not know what each candle meant peace, faith, love, and hope.

    A09 CH

  7. 1: For many people this video can apply to, it applies to me, unfortunately. But the video also points out that we need to turn to Faith when reality isn't enough for us to deal with hurt and pain.

    2: I think Mary knew she didn't have a choice. I think Joseph and she both understood the Prophecy, and I think that they felt fortunate. She knew she would be disgraced, yet she had the baby anyway. Knowing how people would react when they found out who was in the manger.

    3: Again, I think even though Mary knew she was being shunned, I think she felt blessed because she knew herself how blessed the child was. How important it was that she had the baby, and took care of him and not turn away from him.

    4: I think Joseph felt the same way Mary did about Jesus being born, and how important he was.

    5: This video reminded me of how important it is to have hope. And love, peace, and faith. Because they all are important to us to be happy.

    6: We forget the real meaning of Advent. We only focus on our own worldly desires, and forget about giving to others and the true meaning of all of it.


  8. 1. This video applies well to me because I consider myself very busy but I feel like I would be able to make room for things if I really tried.
    2. If I was in Mary's position I don't know what I'd do. Obviously she was very brave and handled everything very well, because Jesus was raised well and able to do what he felt he was destined to do.
    3. I think Mary giving birth to Jesus is sort of symbolic of her life in general. Mary had to put up with many difficult and painful things being the mother of the son of god, and those are sort of represented by the pain of childbirth.
    4. I think Joseph probably had a difficult time with a lot of things, but he seemed to know that he had an important job and he remained loyal to Mary and Jesus through everything.
    5. This video was very informative about the symbolism surrounding the four candles, I didn't know they all represented different things.
    6. I'm not sure what to say about number 6. It seems it's about the importance of Jesus' life and how we can relate to it

